Our success criteria were:
To use descriptive language in my poem I need to use....
- interesting adjectives, verbs and adverbs
- similes
- metaphors
- personification
- onomatopoeia
We are now going to use the comment facility to leave each other quality feedback. To do this we are going to use the thinking routine "2 Stars and a Wish". This means we will give someone two pieces of positive (yellow hat) feedback using the success criteria (these are the two stars) and one (green hat) suggestion using the success criteria (this is the wish). Doing this will make sure our feedback is high quality.
E.g. Bob, I really like the simile you used, "red as rubies" and you alliteration "twisting tail". Next time could you add a metaphor?
Parents: Could you leave us some "2 Stars and a Wish" feedback as well?
I like how Scott has used alliteration and onomatopoeia. Next time you could use more metaphors. :-)